The countdown to the end of the PRIME RCT has started, with the final, 24-month research visits at the Remind Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath now underway and continuing until May 2025. We’ll also be conducting some of the visits at participants’ homes, for those unable to make it to ReMind.

It’s a bittersweet time for the PRIME research team – both exciting in terms of gathering the final data that will enable us to answer our research questions, and sad to be leaving our wonderful participants who have selflessly given so much of their time and energy to the study.
For our active participants, the end of the trial means that they will return to their usual care, so our clinical team are busy conducting final reviews and preparing for handover.
It is difficult to express how enormously grateful we are to all of our participants, and how much we appreciate their dedication in completing some rather lengthy questionnaire booklets!
We look forward to seeing everyone over the coming months to wrap up their participation in the study.

The pictured participants kindly gave their consent for these photos to be shared.