Top Tip Tuesday – physical activity for all

Physical Acitvity Top Tips, Links and Resources!

Firstly, to understand how much exercise is recommended, and what this looks like, it may be helpful to read the NHS guidelines here:

To read more about exercising with Parkinson’s specifically have a look at these pages from Parkinson’s UK:

Videos and links which might be helpful

Parkinson’s UK Videos & Playlist on Exercise and Parkinson’s contains (at the time of writing) 53 videos to help get you exercising! The videos here range from low to high intensity. Some are seated, some require more movement, so have a look and find which ones are right for you!

Exercising at home with Parkinson’s

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Get up and Go guide!

This is a leaflet designed to reduce the risks of falls, and contains lots of helpful tips plus a 6 exercise routine you can do at home to help improve your strength and balance

The Benefits of HIIT for Parkinson’s – Joe Wicks Interview with Milly Khan at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital

20 Minute HIIT Workout for Parkinson’s – Joe Wicks Workouts

Strength and Balance Exercises

Again, this link to the NHS website is helpful to help you understand how much of this is recommended per week and what counts:

How to improve your strength and flexibility – NHS

Links and advice for wheelchair users:

NHS Fitness advice for wheelchair users

A person lifting hand weights while seated in a wheelchair

Parkinsons UK Seated pilates for posture:

Parkinson’s UK and Reach Your Peak chair based workout:

We hope these resources are helpful in your Parkinson’s journey.