PRIME hits 12-month milestone

The PRIME trial team recently reached another milestone, having completed all research visits for the 12-month (half-way) point of the trial. We’re really proud of all the hard work that the team have put in to these visits, both at the RICE Centre at RUH Bath (recently rebranded as the ReMind UK Centre) and at the homes of those unable to travel to the centre.

PRIME trial research team members Tom Gabriel (at back), (l-r) Kritika Jain, Nicola Giles, Anisha Cullen and Dani Pendry-Brazier (front)

We are also hugely grateful to all of our wonderful participants for their time and patience with the visits. We’re looking forward to seeing as many as possible of them again at the 24-month visits from November!

PRIME Parkinson RCT has recruited to target!

We are delighted to announce that the PRIME Parkinson RCT has completed recruitment, reaching the target of 214 people with Parkinsonism. This is a huge achievement and the PRIME RCT team are excited to continue the trial over the next two years!

We hope this trial will provide vital insight on proactive and integrated care for people with Parkinson’s.

Read more about the Prime Parkinson RCT.